Areas We Cover

We know we have it good here in the Cotswolds. Where else can you find such beautiful vistas, rolling hills of wonder and magnificence, quiet nature trails, our famous Golden Stone, and the best event dining experience in the nation. For so many across the UK the Cotswolds is sold as a perfect place to escape for a while, collect your thoughts away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and just enjoy the beauty of the world for a little while. When you’re here, however, a big part enjoying that worldly beauty is going to need to be in enjoying the beauty of great dining too. That’s where Hog Roast Cirencester can help!

At Hog Roast Cirencester we deliver a traditional dining experience to events that keeps together all that is so wonderful about the Cotswolds. Here, in this tranquil and steady land nothing needs to be rushed, and we believe that great dining shouldn’t be rushed either, but rather, savoured, enjoyed to its fullest, and part of a wider experience. Our speciality hog roast does just that. This is a dish that has endured for centuries, and its brilliance is no less today than it was in the days of the Saxons. It is a fully put together cooking and dining experience that is so much more. With its proper cooking style this speciality dish takes its time to create, but that is precisely why we love it so. It gives the time to truly appreciate all that is going into this wonderful dish, to appreciate its unique spectacle, and, most importantly, to appreciate the finished result even more once you get your hands on it!

Our novel dining experience is available all throughout the Cotswolds for events, just have a look for your town or village below:

Being in the Cotswolds we know you’ll appreciate the finer beauties of life, meaning that Hog Roast Cirencester will be just for you. Just as the famed English novelist J.B Priestley famously wrote of Cotswold’s golden radiance created by its stone and picturesque hills – “the truth is it has no colour that can be described – our special catered hog roast has a beauty and an exquisite taste that truly cannot be quite described either. You’ll quite simply have to come along to one of our events and try it for yourself to believe it! But trust us, you won’t be disappointed.

If you are in need of event catering then Hog Roast Cirencester is your team. We have a wide array of dining services available for all types of events, so just get on to one of our area pages above and start crafting your next event dining experience today!