Contact Spitting Pig Cotswolds

We’re a chatty bunch here at Hog Roast Stroud, and we are delighted that you are considering giving our valued caterings services a try for your next event. If you are still weighing up your options for catering we strongly recommend that you give us a call anyway, even if it is just to chat. Our team here are always ready for a good blether about food and catering, and we might just be able to help sway your decision by outlining exactly what we can do for you and your event – andHog Roast Cotswold if not we reckon our expert advice on all things fine dining could still be of some important value to you too!

No matter what your event is, or what specific demands you have Hog Roast Stroud guarantees that we can provide some exceptional input. Believe us, we’ve been at this for well over 20 years now, so we’ve seen it all enough to be able to help with anything!

Your catering journey is just a simple call or message away today with Hog Roast Stroud. Event planning is difficult enough, so having an expert team like Hog Roast Stroud to come to can be of a huge help, no matter what stage in planning you are at. We know as much as anyone that no event is ever made equal, so it helps that we ensure our services are flexible to hit the demands of any day, and a strong dialogue with our customers is the best way to ensure everyone comes away happy.

Sometimes our customers bring us event plans that they have dreamed of for years, and of course it is our job (and privilege) here at Hog Roast Stroud to make that dream a reality. It’s your event, so of course you’re going to be entitled to getting the exact foods and services that you want. We can recommend an initial dining package for you and move from there to tailor our services to your exact needs as we go, keeping things easy and light always!

Just as our event packages come in many forms, contacting us can be done in a variety of ways too! Call us old fashioned but we do still believe that a phone call is the best way to get into a thorough dialogue with you about your event, but we’re also on hand through various social media pages, or by email, or through our site for immediate queries.

Hog Roast Cotswold Feel free to message us at any time through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with any questions or queries you may have about our service and we’ll be with you in no time. Or send us an email with details about your event and again we’ll go about crafting free quotes and event packages for you as quick as we can!

However you want to chat, whatever you want to chat about, just get on over to Hog Roast Stroud today!