End of the Season Dining with Hog Roast Gloucester

Hog Roast cotswoldWith it being May, a lot of football seasons are ending around the country. That means, after a long hard season of work and strict matchday diets, there’s finally a bit of room to let loose with a Hog Roast Gloucester dinner and celebrate the season with an awards night.

As a private event caterer, the Hog Roast Gloucester team is well used to conducting events for various sports clubs. We were happy to be along with one of our local junior teams this past week as they took to celebrating the end of their season with the aid of our team.

The Hog Roast Gloucester team were invited out to their final matchday at home where immediately following the game the plan was to have a barbecue out of the clubhouse with the entire team and their friends, family, and any supporters that wanted to hang around. Since it was indeterminate exactly how many guests there might be with supporters added into the mix, our chefs were careful to ensure we had more than enough food should the numbers begin to mount up. Thankfully, with our hog roast being part of our gourmet barbecue range, there was already more than enough pulled pork to go around if needed, and that is well before you get to the delicious homemade burgers, sausages and skewers that we had on the grill, or the freshly prepared sides of herb dressed new potatoes, coleslaw, and mixed seasonal leaves.

Our chefs were hard at work preparing all of our foods during the match, but we were lucky enough to catch the tail end and the late winner which sealed the 2-1 victory for our local boys. It was a great capper to a brilliant season for the team, and even better one was to come once the match ended and our barbecue was ready to be served. We handed out roll after roll for the hungry lads and supporters passing by – but thankfully never looked in danger of being cleaned out completely!

Hog Roast CotswoldFrom all at Hog Roast Gloucester, we would just like to congratulate the boys on their season and wish them well on their summer’s rest.