Making Special Days Even More So with Hog Roast Brailes Wedding Catering

Hog Roast BrailesWedding catering is a huge part of our business. As a caterer we at Hog Roast Brailes love weddings because they are typically large scale, extravagant events that really put our services and our teams to the test. They’re great for ensuring that we can work to our best and provide the best for someone’s most special day in their life. Away from the business thinking weddings are also just great to be part of because we are truly sharing and even contributing to one of the most important days in someone’s life, and anything we can do to put a smile on their face and improve the memories of their wedding experience is a huge privilege to be able to achieve.

Hog Roast BrailesThat is why when we get such glowing feedback from our wedding customers, as we did recently with our happy bride Caroline for her wedding, it is massively rewarding and motivating to know for certain that we have achieved what we set out to do. Caroline had us in for her wedding catering at the beginning of the month. We had worked ahead of time with her to prepare a menu that had a lot of variety to it to be able to cater for the various vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian and gluten free needs in the guest list. Not a problem for us as we normally do take care to manage dietary needs. On the day our Hog Roast Brailes head chef took even more care to go over the menu again with Caroline and ensure that we could accommodate any extra adjustments before serving. He was dedicated to doing the best by Caroline’s special day, so was prepared to give his all for even that extra touch of quality – something that Caroline tells us she was extremely appreciative of.

Thankfully that extra effort was all worth it as the guests loved their meals and our service team also received plenty of plaudits for the friendliness and helpfulness. We enjoyed our time at so we hope that was reflected in the guests enjoying their time with us too.

From all at Hog Roast Brailes, we would like to thank Caroline for the rave reviews and we also pass on our congratulations again to the happy couple!